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Apex Cardiology is a comprehensive health care facility dedicated to patient care, research, and the education of our patients. We believe in not only correcting patient problems, but also in prevention before symptoms become problems.
Our excellence in each of these areas has made Apex Cardiology a major patient referral center for the Mid-South area.
Meet Our Providers
Mohsin T. Alhaddad, M.D.Cardiologist
Mohsin T. Alhaddad M.D. completed his medical school training in Kenya, being subsequently nominated by his nation as an Awardee of the Association of Commonwealth Universities Scholarship where he completed part of his medical training in Ottawa Canada.
Henry K. Lui, M.D has lived in Jackson, TN for 11 years, attended grade school at Brightwood Elementary School in Monterey Park, CA. He attended high school at Alhambra City.
Cara Roberson, MSN, APRN, FNP-C Nurse Practitioner
Cara Roberson, MSN, APRN, FNP-C is a graduate of Union University and The University of Memphis. She works as a Nurse Practitioner here and sees patients at our Dyersburg and Jackson locations.
Cardiac catheterization is a minimally invasive procedure generally employed to diagnose and treat certain heart conditions. It involves threading a thin flexible tube through a blood vessel to the heart. Your doctor can perform diagnostic tests and some procedures on your heart with the help of the catheter. This procedure is typically performed through the groin or femoral artery.